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Found 18912 results for any of the keywords judicial affairs. Time 0.007 seconds.
Judicial Affairs Office - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University StudThe Judicial Affairs Office will be celebrating its 125th anniversary on Thursday March 28th at 3:00 PM in room 108 of Goodes Hall.
News Updates - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University Student GovernmWritten by Communications on September 3, 2024. Posted in My AMS.
Deegan v. Canada (Attorney General) - Federal CourtFederal Court
Governance - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University Student GovernmenAssembly Policy | Assembly Policy governs the rules, procedures and makeup of AMS Assembly. Along with outlining the roles of the speaker, scribe, and Secretary of Internal Affairs.
Elections - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University Student GovernmentInterested in having your club/community group establish a fee through referendum or running in an AMS election? Check out this page for all the information you need!
Student Activity Fees - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University StudenOtherwise known as Ancilliary fees
Accessibility - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University Student GovernAlma Mater Society of Queen s University is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all stakeholders, including our clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and any visitors who may enter our premises
AMS Grants Bursaries - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University StudeThe AMS is committed to improving financial accessibility for all Queen’s students.
Awards - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University Student GovernmentHere you can find information on the various awards given out by the AMS every year to honour and recognize those in the community who go above and beyond. Whether that be as a landlord, an AMS student volunteer, or a te
Alma Mater Society - Queen s University Student GovernmentThe September assembly is dedicated to honouring Truth and Reconciliation. It will take place at 6:00pm, in Goodes Hall room 108.
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